Sunday, May 15, 2011


Today I went for a run. It was not a long run but a run nonetheless. Back in February, while on vacation, I hurt my tail bone while playing Frisbee on beach. I fell while I was running backwards trying to make a catch. It has been well over eight weeks and finally, finally, I am starting to feel good again!

Today is a day that God has made. Let us rejoice in it.

Three things:
Puppy dogs!

Happy Running!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Day 5 Mile

This week I have been on a very low calorie diet eating about 3500 calories all week. It may not have been a good time to do a race but as I had scheduled the race back in November I felt obligated. Not only is the diet low calorie but it is low carb so on Friday night the hubs made me whole wheat spaghetti with a red sauce and Boca crumbles. We also had a nice salad.

The race had a 10:00 am start which was good for me as I didn't prepare well for the race the night before. I was really dreading the race because of the diet but because I preregistered for five races in November I had to do it! I couldn't find my tights, my shoes, my socks, my watch, and my hat. Now, I know if I could be just a little bit organized that finding these items wouldn't be an issue but I am not. Finally, I got it together ate a small handful of almonds and a small banana filled my water bottle and was out the door. I realized I had forgotten my Nikeplus watch wrestled with turning around to get it but I decided to ditch it as I had a good 30 minute drive.

The race was at Flagpole Hill on White Rock Lake in Dallas. The race was an out and back on park roads onto the paved trails in the park. The temperature was in the 30's. Perfect. This race did not have chip timing but it was a small race with 343 participants. I was not nervous for the start but not overly confident either. I was just planning on using the race as a run for the week. I race to train and not the other way around. Anyway, for the 1st mile or so I felt okay. At about 2 the leaders we already on their way back. I know I shouldn't let their quickness get to me but yet somehow it does. I have to learn to run my own race. After the turn around there was one water station with very nice volunteers handing out water and Gatorade. I was doing okay albeit slow even for me. Then at mile 4 my right hip started to feel kinda hurt. I haven't had hip pain while I was running since the Capital Classic 10k I did in May 2010. I tried to push through but I had to stop and walk. I hate to walk while I am supposed to be running. I walked for about .5 mile and started to run again.

This morning my hip is still hurting and I am getting ready to go get some Advil to help reduce swelling. I have been icing off and on and will continue to do so. My next race is the Post Addison Hot Chocolate 10k on January 15.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Yesterday I spoke with a running coach. We went over my training schedule and he suggested that I start doing 2-a-days. I am a little skeptical as I can barely fit in one workout a day! However, today, I am doing it. I already have a short 2 mile run in and after work I am going to do another 3-4 miles. Wish me luck!

I am planning to do the Turkey Trot in Tulsa the day after Thanksgiving and I am looking for my race in December. I like to do one a month as it keeps me motived to run.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Getting Ready - First Half Marathon

So today I finally decided to commit to a longer race and I registered for the A2A Race for Mercy to be held March 20, 2011. I ran the 5k last year and have been contemplating doing a half. I am really excited to run this race. I am going to step up my training and work hard for this race. Can't wait!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

New Shoes

Yesterday, hubby and I bought new running shoes. I have been suffering with some hip pain and believe it to be because of my form. I tend to heal strike, yeah, I know that is not good but that is what I know. I bought a pair of Newton Stability Trainers. Yes, they are pricey but, I think they are going to work out well.

We did a short two-mile run today. It was a slow 24 minute 2 miles. We did walk part of it.I am not acclimated to the heat and really loathe being hot but I ran outside anyway. I am just going to have to suck it up and do it. After we ran we went to the gym to work on strength training.